Feb 15, 2011

Five Myths About Massachusetts Accident Claims

Before pursuing an accident injury claim in Massachusetts on your own, it is worth remembering the five most common myths regarding accident injury claims in Massachusetts, which can only hurt your case.

Myth No. 1

Writing a letter to the insurance company ensures that you will receive a fair settlement proposal.

Well, not really. Unless you own an insurance company, rest assured that the insurance company does not work for you. Like any other business, the insurance company exists to make a profit. Your injury claim gets in the way of that, so their insurance adjusters and lawyers will do anything to make sure you receive the least possible settlement. Do not face them alone. If the insurance company has a lawyer, shouldn’t you as well?

Myth No. 2

You are obliged to give a recorded statement to the insurance company if it requests it, or they won’t settle with you.

Do not be bullied by the insurance company. You are only obliged to give them a recorded statement ONLY if you are under oath in a legally sanctioned interview. DO NOT give any statements until you talk to your lawyer.

Myth No. 3

The defendant’s insurance company is obligated to cover your medical bills.

The defendant’s insurance company is only obligated to pay your medical bills if:
  1. They fall under the guidelines of a policy; or,
  2. They are ordered to do so by a court of law.

Myth No. 4

There must be some insurance company that will pay your medical bills, lost wages and injuries if someone else caused your accident.

This depends on your and the defendant’s insurance. If you do not have the right coverage for your injuries, and the defendant is uninsured or under-insured, no one is automatically obligated to pay for your injury-related expenses.

Learn about the different types of auto insurance in Massachusetts.

Myth No. 5

Massachusetts juries are generous.

No jury is generous by nature, and insurance companies will spend big money to make sure their voice is heard. Lately, due to propaganda campaigns waged by insurance companies, few juries are naturally generous to accident injury victims, even if they happen to be children.

These myths should not stop you from seeking legal advice. Having an experienced personal injury attorney is your best chance of obtaining a fair settlement, so don’t be afraid to look for one. Personal injury lawyers in Massachusetts work for contingency fees, which means that if they don’t win your case, you don’t have to pay them anything. There are no upfront costs for you.

If you have any questions about how to successfully pursue an accident injury claim in Massachusetts, call 1-800-410-2769 for a Free Consultation with the experienced Massachusetts accident lawyers at Kiley Law Group, LLC.

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